President of the Board
Expert in the field of health impact of air pollution. Gained his knowledge and experience on PhD studies in 2008-2013 under research topic: traffic air pollution impact on lung obstruction. Contributed to greater involvement of the health sector in air quality imporovement measures and development of public awareness about the impact of air pollution on health. He adapted the methodology of external health costs of air pollution to Polish conditions. Contributed to the establishment and work of the expert Task Force for air pollution impact on health within the Ministry of Health. Works in the advisory capacity for the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in the field of health impact assessment and external health costs.

Vice President of the Board
Expert in the field of air pollution management. Researcher and teacher, including the thesis supervisor, at the Faculty of Building Services, Hydrotechnology and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. She has extensive experience of working in projects of national (ex. The National Centre for Research and Development) as well as international level: FP7, HORIZON, LIFE+. She graduated from the School of Ecological Trainers and is a scientific scholarship holder of the Centre for Advanced Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology and did an internship at CREAL (Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology) in Barcelona. Her scientific interests are in the field of air quality measurements and the impact of air pollutants on human health.

Anna Dworakowska
Member of the Board
Works on air quality improvement policies since 2012. These include regulatory changes, such as: introduction of coal quality standards, emission and energy efficiency standards for solid fuel boilers and designation of smoke control areas as well as financial instruments, with the most important being support mechanisms for thermal renovation of the housing sector. She has conducted research into energy performance of single family houses in Poland and demand for financial instruments supporting energy efficiency improvement in this sector. Involved in air quality measurements focusing on particulate matter and nitrogen oxide. Co-founder of Polish Smog Alert, which gathers grassroot air quality initiatives in Poland.

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