What is ECAC
European Clean Air Centre is an independent think-tank organisation that promotes air quality and climate protection objectives across different policies at national and EU levels. We support and promote unbiased, knowledge and research based solutions aimed at air quality improvement. We want to give special voice to Central and Eastern Europe countries, where air quality challenges differ from those faced by Western Europe, but need to be equally considered and reflected in the EU legislation.Our objectives
- Support for development and promotion of effective air quality improvement policies within Europe;
- Research into and promotion of synergies between air quality and other policies, with special focus on public health, climate protection, transport and energy;
- Providing know-how support for public administration in development of air quality policies, strategies and programmes;
- Promoting knowledge on health impacts of air pollution and climate change.

European Clean Air Centre
ul. Karmelicka 14/531-128 KrakówPoland

phone: +48 792 468 018mail: office@cleanaircentre.eu privacy policy